Today's Reading
"Tell me what you think... really."
I brushed a loose hair from my face and glanced up at my best friend, who gestured to the freshly painted exterior of her new vacation rental as she spoke.
"I think it looks great, Tasha," I responded as I gave the property a solid once-over.
Tasha's brow furrowed, as if she didn't quite believe me. "Great, as in I'm your best friend, and I have to say that? Or great, as in, 'Wow, this place is really coming together. You're going to keep it booked all summer long and make a ton of money?'"
I did my best to respond quickly so she wouldn't read too much into whatever expression happened to flit across my face as I pondered my response. "Great, as in great. Amazing. This place is going to be full all summer long."
She released an exaggerated sigh. "You didn't mention the money. I really need the money. I've got a mortgage now, you know."
Oh, I knew. My best friend's newly acquired mortgage to fund this vacation rental was a key topic of concern these days, often worming its way into other conversations. Like, when she bartered with me over items she wanted to purchase from my family's antique store, Trinkets and Treasures. I heard a lot about her mortgage during those moments, which was why her new place was currently filled to overflowing with furnishings she'd gotten for a song from our shop. Not that I minded. She deserved the best with this new venture of hers.
I offered what I hoped would be a confident look. "It stands to reason that if you keep it booked, you'll make the money, so I will pray that is the case."
"If?" She shot a doubtful look my way.
Good grief. This girl. "Tasha, don't worry. Have faith."
"Oh, I have faith." She groaned, and worry lines creased her brow. "We just need to get past this final inspection on Monday morning, and we'll be good to go."
"What's the inspection for?" I asked.
"It's something that's recommended for vacation rentals before the property goes live. The inspector is going to walk me through a checklist of things to look for regularly to keep the house safe for incoming guests."
"Sounds good."
"Yeah, but I feel like there are still way too many things to get done between now and then."
I knew my BFF well. If I didn't turn this conversation in a positive direction ASAP, she would fall into the depths of despair. She tipped in that overdramatic direction regularly. And her new home did look great. Well, it would, anyway, after we finished painting the ceiling and trim work, and wrapping up our work on the bathrooms.
"You're hesitating." She gave me a panicked look.
"No hesitation. Just thinking about all of the things I need to do once I get home. But I wouldn't worry if I were you. This place looks great, inside and out."
"It does, doesn't it?" She released a lingering sigh, and for a moment my friend was back. No worries. Just a peaceful countenance on that freckled face.
I took a swig of water and gave the house a closer look, as if viewing it through the eyes of potential guests. Tasha couldn't have found a prettier piece of property in Henderson County if she'd tried. The old two-story house was nestled against a lush acre of land that gave off a "secluded and serene" vibe.
Flowering dogwood trees were tucked neatly beneath rows of oversized, stately pines. They provided a natural canopy to filter the late-afternoon sunlight. The leaves from a nearby oak tree cast dappled shadows across the front lawn, which still needed a bit of tending but not much, thanks to my brother's handiwork in the front garden. All in all, this place was really looking magnificent.
Through a gap in the foliage, I could almost see the neighbor's ranch-style home in the distance. It, too, added a bit of picturesque charm. Thank goodness, the elderly Mr. Reeves kept his place in pristine condition, which would probably make guests feel even better about their decision to vacation here. This area really felt like a slice of heaven, and beautifully situated near the water meant it was a coveted rental property in these parts. In other words, Tasha had nothing to worry about. Though, I suspected that wouldn't stop her.