FROM THE BOOK JACKET: When the pressure is on, many of the world's top CEOs turn to McKinsey & Company to reinvent themselves and their organizations. The Journey of Leadership brings the experience of one of the world's most influential consulting firms right to your fingertips.

This book is the first-ever explanation of McKinsey's step-by-step approach to transforming leaders both professionally and personally, including revealing lessons from its legendary CEO leadership program, The Bower Forum, which has counseled more than five hundred global CEOs over the past decade. It is a journey that helps leaders hone the psychological, emotional, and, ultimately, human attributes that result in success in today's most demanding top job.

Packed with insightful and never-before-heard reflections from leaders, including Ed Bastian (CEO of Delta Air Lines), Makoto Uchida (CEO of Nissan Motor Corporation), Mark Fields (former CEO of Ford Motor Company), Reeta Roy (CEO of Mastercard Foundation), and Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna), you will learn how to:

* Assess your personal leadership approach and style objectively.

* Discover your true mandate as a leader.

* Develop creative, actionable ways to reinvigorate both yourself and your organization.

* Create a personal commitment plan to inspire your team and cement your legacy.


Dana MaorDana Maor is the global co-head for the McKinsey People & Organizational Performance Practice and is a member of its Knowledge Council. As a senior partner, she works with leaders globally to transform their organizations and themselves and serves as co-dean of multiple McKinsey leadership programs.

Visit Hans-Werner Kaas Store on AmazonHans-Werner Kaas is the co-dean of the CEO leadership program The Bower Forum, a former member of its Global Client Council, and a senior partner emeritus at McKinsey. He joined McKinsey's Frankfurt office in 1991, moved to the Cleveland office in 1997, and cofounded the Detroit office in 1998. He works with and counsels CEOs and leaders across multiple industry sectors globally.

Visit Kurt Strovink Store on AmazonKurt Strovink leads McKinsey's CEO special initiative globally. He works at the intersection of strategy, personal leadership, mission building, and enterprise transformation. A senior partner in the New York office, he has expertise in CEO transitions and the role of the CEO as a catalyst. Strovink is a member of McKinsey's board of directors and has led its global insurance work and its New York office as a managing partner.

Visit Ramesh Srinivasan Store on AmazonRamesh Srinivasan is the co-dean of the CEO leadership program, The Bower Forum, and a senior partner at McKinsey, which he joined in 1994. He began his career at McKinsey in Mumbai and moved to New York in 2005. Beyond his client work serving health-care and social-sector institutions, Srinivasan leads McKinsey's social responsibility efforts in North America.

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